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A table with various taxon IDs and metadata about related Ensembl database contents, as shown at The "Taxon ID" column contains the NCBI Taxonomy identifiers.




The table described above as a data frame.


ens_org <- ensembl_organisms_raw()
#> # A tibble: 317 × 8
#>    `Common name`       `Scientific name` `Taxon ID` `Ensembl Assembly` Accession
#>    <chr>               <chr>                  <int> <chr>              <chr>    
#>  1 Abingdon island gi… Chelonoidis abin…     106734 ASM359739v1        GCA_0035…
#>  2 African ostrich     Struthio camelus…     441894 ASM69896v1         GCA_0006…
#>  3 Agassiz's desert t… Gopherus agassiz…      38772 ASM289641v1        GCA_0028…
#>  4 Algerian mouse      Mus spretus            10096 SPRET_EiJ_v1       GCA_0016…
#>  5 Alpaca              Vicugna pacos          30538 vicPac1            -        
#>  6 Alpine marmot       Marmota marmota …       9994 marMar2.1          GCA_0014…
#>  7 Amazon molly        Poecilia formosa       48698 Poecilia_formosa-… GCA_0004…
#>  8 American beaver     Castor canadensis      51338 C.can_genome_v1.0  GCA_0019…
#>  9 American bison      Bison bison bison      43346 Bison_UMD1.0       GCA_0007…
#> 10 American black bear Ursus americanus        9643 ASM334442v1        GCA_0033…
#> # ℹ 307 more rows
#> # ℹ 3 more variables: `Genebuild Method` <chr>, `Variation database` <chr>,
#> #   `Regulation database` <chr>