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Downloads interactions from EVEX, a versatile text mining resource ( Translates the Entrez Gene IDs to Gene Symbols and combines the interactions and references into a single data frame.


    min_confidence = NULL,
    remove_negatives = TRUE,
    top_confidence = NULL



Numeric: a threshold for confidence scores. EVEX confidence scores span roughly from -3 to 3. By providing a numeric value in this range the lower confidence interactions can be removed. If NULL no filtering performed.


Logical: remove the records with the "negation" attribute set.


Confidence cutoff as quantile (a number between 0 and 1). If NULL no filtering performed.


Data frame (tibble) with interactions.


evex_interactions <- evex_download()
#> # A tibble: 368,297 × 13
#>    general_event_id source_entrezgene_id target_entrezgene_id confidence
#>               <dbl> <chr>                <chr>                     <dbl>
#>  1               98 8651                 6774                     -1.45 
#>  2              100 8431                 6774                     -1.45 
#>  3              205 6261                 6263                      0.370
#>  4              435 1044                 1045                     -1.09 
#>  5              440 1045                 1044                     -1.09 
#>  6              507 3596                 952                      -1.67 
#>  7              559 5592                 5329                     -0.326
#>  8              575 85004                2255                     -1.31 
#>  9              657 2321                 7422                     -1.32 
#> 10              664 2321                 7422                     -0.544
#> # ℹ 368,287 more rows
#> # ℹ 9 more variables: negation <dbl>, speculation <dbl>, coarse_type <chr>,
#> #   coarse_polarity <chr>, refined_type <chr>, refined_polarity <chr>,
#> #   source_genesymbol <chr>, target_genesymbol <chr>, references <chr>
# # A tibble: 368,297 x 13
#   general_event_id source_entrezge. target_entrezge. confidence negation
#               <dbl> <chr>            <chr>                 <dbl>    <dbl>
# 1               98 8651             6774                 -1.45         0
# 2              100 8431             6774                 -1.45         0
# 3              205 6261             6263                  0.370        0
# 4              435 1044             1045                 -1.09         0
# . with 368,287 more rows, and 8 more variables: speculation <dbl>,
#   coarse_type <chr>, coarse_polarity <chr>, refined_type <chr>,
#   refined_polarity <chr>, source_genesymbol <chr>,
#   target_genesymbol <chr>, references <chr>