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Downloads ligand-receptor interactions from the Guide to Pharmacology (IUPHAR/BPS) database (




A tibble (data frame) of interactions as it is provided by the database


g2p_data <- guide2pharma_download()
#> # A tibble: 24,443 × 42
#>    target      target_id target_subunit_ids target_gene_symbol target_uniprot_id
#>    <chr>       <chr>     <chr>              <chr>              <chr>            
#>  1 12S-LOX     1387      NA                 ALOX12             P18054           
#>  2 15-LOX-1    1388      NA                 ALOX15             P16050           
#>  3 15-LOX-1    1388      NA                 ALOX15             P16050           
#>  4 15-LOX-1    1388      NA                 ALOX15             P16050           
#>  5 15-LOX-1    1388      NA                 ALOX15             P16050           
#>  6 15-LOX-2    1389      NA                 ALOX15B            O15296           
#>  7 15-LOX-2    1389      NA                 ALOX15B            O15296           
#>  8 3-Mercapto… 1446      NA                 MPST               P25325           
#>  9 3-phosphoi… 1519      NA                 PDPK1              O15530           
#> 10 3-phosphoi… 1519      NA                 PDPK1              O15530           
#> # ℹ 24,433 more rows
#> # ℹ 37 more variables: target_ensembl_gene_id <chr>, target_ligand <chr>,
#> #   target_ligand_id <chr>, target_ligand_subunit_ids <chr>,
#> #   target_ligand_gene_symbol <chr>, target_ligand_uniprot_id <chr>,
#> #   target_ligand_ensembl_gene_id <chr>, target_ligand_pubchem_sid <chr>,
#> #   target_species <chr>, ligand_id <dbl>, ligand <chr>, ligand_type <chr>,
#> #   ligand_subunit_ids <chr>, ligand_gene_symbol <chr>, ligand_species <chr>, …
# # A tibble: 21,586 x 38
#    target target_id target_gene_sym. target_uniprot target_ensembl_.
#    <chr>      <dbl> <chr>            <chr>          <chr>
#  1 12S-L.      1387 ALOX12           P18054         ENSG00000108839
#  2 15-LO.      1388 ALOX15           P16050         ENSG00000161905
#  3 15-LO.      1388 ALOX15           P16050         ENSG00000161905
#  4 15-LO.      1388 ALOX15           P16050         ENSG00000161905
# # . with 21,576 more rows, and 33 more variables: target_ligand <chr>,
# #   target_ligand_id <chr>, target_ligand_gene_symbol <chr>,
# ... (truncated)