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Downloads a single network dataset from Harmonizome





The dataset part of the URL. Please refer to the download section of the Harmonizome webpage.


Data frame (tibble) with interactions.


harmonizome_data <- harmonizome_download('phosphositeplus')
#> # A tibble: 6,013 × 7
#>    source   source_desc source_id target target_desc target_id weight
#>    <chr>    <chr>           <dbl> <chr>  <chr>           <dbl>  <dbl>
#>  1 TP53     na               7157 STK17A na               9263      1
#>  2 TP53     na               7157 TP53RK na             112858      1
#>  3 TP53     na               7157 SMG1   na              23049      1
#>  4 UPF1     na               5976 SMG1   na              23049      1
#>  5 TP53     na               7157 TAF1   na               6872      1
#>  6 GTF2A1   na               2957 TAF1   na               6872      1
#>  7 TAF7     na               6879 TAF1   na               6872      1
#>  8 TP53     na               7157 NUAK1  na               9891      1
#>  9 PPP1R12A na               4659 NUAK1  na               9891      1
#> 10 CASP6    na                839 NUAK1  na               9891      1
#> # ℹ 6,003 more rows
# # A tibble: 6,013 x 7
#    source   source_desc source_id target target_desc target_id weight
#    <chr>    <chr>           <dbl> <chr>  <chr>           <dbl>  <dbl>
#  1 TP53     na               7157 STK17A na               9263      1
#  2 TP53     na               7157 TP53RK na             112858      1
#  3 TP53     na               7157 SMG1   na              23049      1
#  4 UPF1     na               5976 SMG1   na              23049      1
# # . with 6,003 more rows