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Orthologous pairs of UniProt IDs for a pair of organisms, based on NCBI HomoloGene data.


homologene_uniprot_orthology(target = 10090L, source = 9606L, by = entrez, ...)



Character or integer: name or ID of the target organism.


Character or integer: name or ID of the source organism.


Symbol or character: the identifier type in NCBI HomoloGene to use. Possible values are "refseqp", "entrez", "genesymbol", "gi".


Further arguments passed to translate_ids.


A data frame with orthologous pairs of UniProt IDs.


homologene_uniprot_orthology(by = genesymbol)
#> # A tibble: 14,200 × 2
#>    source target
#>    <chr>  <chr> 
#>  1 P11310 P45952
#>  2 P49748 P50544
#>  3 P24752 Q8QZT1
#>  4 Q04771 P37172
#>  5 Q16586 P82350
#>  6 P30566 P54822
#>  7 P20933 Q64191
#>  8 P01019 P11859
#>  9 P13716 P10518
#> 10 P22557 P08680
#> # ℹ 14,190 more rows
# # A tibble: 14,235 × 2
#    source target
#    <chr>  <chr>
#  1 P11310 P45952
#  2 P49748 P50544
#  3 P24752 Q8QZT1
#  4 Q04771 P37172
#  5 Q16586 P82350
# # . with 14,230 more rows