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Human Phenotype Ontology (HPO) provides a standardized vocabulary of phenotypic abnormalities encountered in human disease. Each term in the HPO describes a phenotypic abnormality. HPO currently contains over 13,000 terms and over 156,000 annotations to hereditary diseases. See more at




A tibble (data frame) of annotations as it is provided by the database


hpo_data <- hpo_download()
#> # A tibble: 306,403 × 6
#>    entrez_gene_id entrez_gene_symbol hpo_term_id hpo_term_name     frequency_raw
#>             <dbl> <chr>              <chr>       <chr>             <chr>        
#>  1             10 NAT2               HP:0000007  Autosomal recess… NA           
#>  2             10 NAT2               HP:0001939  Abnormality of m… NA           
#>  3             16 AARS1              HP:0002460  Distal muscle we… 15/15        
#>  4             16 AARS1              HP:0002451  Limb dystonia     3/3          
#>  5             16 AARS1              HP:0008619  Bilateral sensor… HP:0040283   
#>  6             16 AARS1              HP:0001197  Abnormality of p… HP:0040283   
#>  7             16 AARS1              HP:0410219  Hypoplasia of ma… HP:0040283   
#>  8             16 AARS1              HP:0007266  Cerebral dysmyel… HP:0040283   
#>  9             16 AARS1              HP:0007256  Abnormal pyramid… HP:0040283   
#> 10             16 AARS1              HP:0010871  Sensory ataxia    1/2          
#> # ℹ 306,393 more rows
#> # ℹ 1 more variable: frequency_hpo <chr>
# # A tibble: 231,738 x 9
#    entrez_gene_id entrez_gene_symb. hpo_term_id hpo_term_name
#             <dbl> <chr>             <chr>       <chr>
#  1           8192 CLPP              HP:0000013  Hypoplasia of the ute.
#  2           8192 CLPP              HP:0004322  Short stature
#  3           8192 CLPP              HP:0000786  Primary amenorrhea
#  4           8192 CLPP              HP:0000007  Autosomal recessive i.
#  5           8192 CLPP              HP:0000815  Hypergonadotropic hyp.
# # . with 231,733 more rows, and 5 more variables:
# #   frequency_raw <chr>, frequency_hpo <chr>, info_gd_source <chr>,
# #   gd_source <chr>, disease_id <chr>