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From the web API of Orthologous Matrix (OMA). Items which could not be translated to `id_type` (but present in the data with their internal OMA IDs) are removed.


  organism_a = "human",
  organism_b = "mouse",
  id_type = "uniprot",
  mappings = c("1:1", "1:m", "n:1", "n:m"),
  only_ids = TRUE



Name or identifier of an organism.


Name or identifier of another organism.


The gene or protein identifier to use in the table. For a list of supported ID types see `omnipath.env$id_types$oma`. In addition, "genesymbol" is supported, in this case oma_pairwise_genesymbols will be called automatically.


Character vector: control ambiguous mappings:

  • 1:1 - unambiguous

  • 1:m - one-to-many

  • n:1 - many-to-one

  • n:m - many-to-many


Logical: include only the two identifier columns, not the mapping type and the orthology group columns.


A data frame with orthologous gene pairs.


oma_pairwise("human", "mouse", "uniprot")
#> # A tibble: 21,753 × 2
#>    id_organism_a id_organism_b
#>    <chr>         <chr>        
#>  1 Q15326        Q8R5C8       
#>  2 Q9Y2E4        B2RQ71       
#>  3 Q92615        Q6A0A2       
#>  4 Q9BZE4        Q99ME9       
#>  5 Q9BXS1        Q8BFZ6       
#>  6 Q9BXS1        Q8BFZ6       
#>  7 Q9Y2I8        Q8CBE3       
#>  8 Q9NS39        Q9JI20       
#>  9 Q01813        Q9WUA3       
#> 10 Q5JRX3        Q8K411       
#> # ℹ 21,743 more rows
# # A tibble: 21,753 × 4
#    id_organism_a id_organism_b mapping oma_group
#    <chr>         <chr>         <chr>       <dbl>
#  1 Q15326        Q8R5C8        1:1       1129380
#  2 Q9Y2E4        B2RQ71        1:1        681224
#  3 Q92615        Q6A0A2        1:1       1135087
#  4 Q9BZE4        Q99ME9        1:1       1176239
#  5 Q9BXS1        Q8BFZ6        1:m            NA
# # … with 21,743 more rows