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Transcription factor effects from RegNetwork


regnetwork_directions(organism = "human")



Character: either human or mouse.


A data frame (tibble) of TF-target interactions with effect signs.


regn_dir <- regnetwork_directions()
#> Warning: The server at missed to send the InCommon RSA Server CA certificate that is required for the verification of the server`s identity and establishment of a TLS connection. You can work around this issue by adding the InCommon RSA Server CA certificate to the trusted certificate store which is used by the R `curl` package. Now we raise only a warning and return an empty data frame. The original error: SSL peer certificate or SSH remote key was not OK: [] SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate
#> # A tibble: 0 × 5
#> # ℹ 5 variables: source_genesymbol <chr>, source_entrez <chr>,
#> #   target_genesymbol <chr>, target_entrez <chr>, effect <chr>
# # A tibble: 3,954 x 5
#    source_genesymb. source_entrez target_genesymb. target_entrez
#    <chr>            <chr>         <chr>            <chr>
#  1 AHR              196           CDKN1B           1027
#  2 APLNR            187           PIK3C3           5289
#  3 APLNR            187           PIK3R4           30849
#  4 AR               367           KLK3             354
#  5 ARNT             405           ALDOA            226
# # . with 3,944 more rows, and 1 more variable: effect <dbl>