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A few resources and datasets are available also as plain TSV files and can be accessed without TLS. The purpose of these tables is to make the most often used OmniPath data available on computers with configuration issues. These tables are not the recommended way to access OmniPath data, and a warning is issued each time they are accessed.




A data frame listing the available tables.

See also


#> # A tibble: 11 × 8
#>    query        resource  organism fname      date       time         size url  
#>    <chr>        <chr>     <chr>    <chr>      <date>     <Period>    <int> <chr>
#>  1 annotations  CytoSig   9606     annotatio… 2023-09-17 12H 47M 0S 5.33e6 http…
#>  2 annotations  HPA       9606     annotatio… 2023-09-17 12H 47M 0S 9.8 e1 http…
#>  3 annotations  MSigDB    9606     annotatio… 2023-09-17 12H 47M 0S 1.05e8 http…
#>  4 annotations  PROGENy   9606     annotatio… 2023-09-17 12H 45M 0S 7.61e6 http…
#>  5 annotations  PanglaoDB 9606     annotatio… 2023-09-17 12H 47M 0S 5.39e5 http…
#>  6 interactions collectri 10090    interacti… 2023-09-17 12H 48M 0S 1.75e6 http…
#>  7 interactions collectri 10116    interacti… 2023-09-17 12H 48M 0S 1.17e6 http…
#>  8 interactions collectri 9606     interacti… 2023-09-17 12H 48M 0S 2.55e6 http…
#>  9 interactions dorothea  10090    interacti… 2023-09-17 12H 48M 0S 3.78e6 http…
#> 10 interactions dorothea  10116    interacti… 2023-09-17 12H 48M 0S 2.46e6 http…
#> 11 interactions dorothea  9606     interacti… 2023-09-17 12H 48M 0S 5.49e6 http…