Chemical-protein interactions from STITCH
- organism
Character or integer: name or NCBI Taxonomy ID of an organism. STITCH supports many organisms, please refer to their web site at
- min_score
Confidence cutoff used for STITCH connections (700 by default).
- protein_ids
Character: translate the protein identifiers to these ID types. Each ID type results two extra columns in the output, for the "a" and "b" sides of the interaction, respectively. The default ID type for proteins is Esembl Protein ID, and by default UniProt IDs and Gene Symbols are included.
- metabolite_ids
Character: translate the protein identifiers to these ID types. Each ID type results two extra columns in the output, for the "a" and "b" sides of the interaction, respectively. The default ID type for metabolites is PubChem CID, and HMDB IDs and KEGG IDs are included.
- cosmos
Logical: use COSMOS format?