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Retrieves the Supplementary Table S6 from Vinayagam et al. 2011. Find out more at




A data frame (tibble) with interactions.


vinayagam_interactions <- vinayagam_download()
#> Error in (function (url, post = NULL, ...) {    httr <- handle_name <- NULL    http_param %<>% ensure_list_2    content_param %<>% ensure_list_2    http_method <- if (is.null(post))         GET    else POST    http_param$body <- post    req_headers %<>% list_null    http_param %<>% c(list(add_headers(.headers = unlist(req_headers)),         handle = structure(list(handle = new_handle(CONNECTTIMEOUT = getOption("omnipath.connect_timeout")),             url = (httr %:::% handle_name)(url)), class = "handle")))    if (!is.null(path)) {        http_param %<>% c(list(write_disk(path, overwrite = TRUE)))    }    response <- exec(http_method, url = url, !!!http_param)    http_status <- status_code(response)    msg <- sprintf("HTTP %i", http_status)    if (http_status != 200L) {        log_warn(msg)        stop(msg)    }    log_trace(msg)    result <- FALSE    if (return_response) {        result <- response    }    else {        if (is.null(path) && !ignore_contents) {            result <- exec(content, response, !!!content_param) %>%                 reader(...)        }    }    if (keep_headers) {        attr(result, "headers") <- headers(response)    }    return(result)})(""): HTTP 403
#> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'vinayagam_interactions' not found
# # A tibble: 34,814 x 5
#    `Input-node Gen. `Input-node Gen. `Output-node Ge. `Output-node Ge.
#    <chr>                       <dbl> <chr>                       <dbl>
#  1 C1orf103                    55791 MNAT1                        4331
#  2 MAST2                       23139 DYNLL1                       8655
#  3 RAB22A                      57403 APPL2                       55198
#  4 TRAP1                       10131 EXT2                         2132
#  5 STAT2                        6773 COPS4                       51138
# # . with 34,804 more rows, and 1 more variable:
# # `Edge direction score` <dbl>