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ID types and synonyms in identifier translation




Data frame with 4 columns: the ID type labels in the resource, their synonyms in OmniPath (this package), the name of the ID translation resource, and the entity type.


#> # A tibble: 161 × 4
#>    in_resource  in_omnipath    resource entity_type
#>    <chr>        <chr>          <chr>    <chr>      
#>  1 xref_geneid  entrez         uniprot  protein    
#>  2 gene_primary genesymbol     uniprot  protein    
#>  3 gene_synonym genesymbol_syn uniprot  protein    
#>  4 xref_hgnc    hgnc           uniprot  protein    
#>  5 xref_embl    embl           uniprot  protein    
#>  6 xref_refseq  refseqp        uniprot  protein    
#>  7 xref_ensembl enst           uniprot  protein    
#>  8 id           uniprot_entry  uniprot  protein    
#>  9 accession    uniprot        uniprot  protein    
#> 10 accession    trembl         uniprot  protein    
#> # ℹ 151 more rows